Forging new research frontiers since 1922
From the Hoover administration to the Biden administration, the IR Section has been a hub for policymakers, companies, researchers, and activists seeking best-in-class data and research on the labor market and the relationship between industry and workers.
A Timeline of Our Work
Our story begins in the period of deep labor strife leading up to the Great Depression. It includes major contributions to policy and research on the U.S. social safety net, unions, the minimum wage, inequality and discrimination, as well as the development of new, more rigorous methods for policy evaluation.

Our Family Tree
Since our founding, IR Section faculty have advised and trained more than 175 economists. See the growing collection of researchers we’re proud to consider part of our family–and submit your name and information to be included, or request to add someone else’s.

The Work Goes On
Listen to conversations between Orley Ashenfelter and industrial relations experts and labor economists, as he creates an oral history of an entire generation of leading thinkers and practitioners in the field.

About the Centenary Symposium
For registration information, please email us.