Explore the lineage of Climent Quintana-Domeque

Climent Quintana-Domeque Biography
Climent Quintana-Domeque is a Professor of Economics at the University of Exeter, a Research Fellow at IZA, and a network member of the Human Capital Economic Opportunity Family Inequality working group (University of Chicago). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University in 2008 and a B.A. in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2002. Prior to joining the University of Exeter, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Oxford and a Tutorial Fellow at St Edmund Hall, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the Universitat d'Alacant. He is an applied microeconomist interested in health, human capital, and inequality. He currently teaches “Econometrics” and “Econometrics: Cause and Effect”, serves as one of the editors of the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and in the editorial board of Economics and Human Biology, and is the Subject Lead of Applied Microeconomics at Exeter since 2023.