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Explore the lineage of Nicholas M. Kiefer

Nicholas Kiefer

Nicholas M. Kiefer Biography

Current Institution name
Cornell University
Date of PhD completion
Institution where PhD was completed
Princeton University

In 1972, Nicholas graduated from Florida State University and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics. He then went on to complete his MA and PhD in Economics at Princeton University in 1976. Following his postdoctoral fellowship at NIMH, he became an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago in 1976 and an Associate Professor at Cornell University in 1980. Later, in 1985, he accepted a full Professorship at Cornell University, where he spent the majority of his career. In 1986, he was awarded a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for “his past achievements and promise of future accomplishments.” He also became the chaired Tai-Ching Liu Professor of Economics and Statistics at Cornell University in 1996.

See his Cornell webpage.

Nicholas passed away in 2024.